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Protect Your Investment With Our Pool Resurfacing Services

Whether you’re a homeowner who uses your pool occasionally or a property manager overseeing a busy swimming environment, pool resurfacing is vital for both appearance and functionality. Since 2000, Churchills Pools has served the Greater Orlando Area with timely, premium solutions—drawing on years of expertise to address each resurfacing challenge. Our goal is to deliver results that combine impeccable style with lasting performance, ensuring your pool remains a standout feature. Talk to our team today to discover how our resurfacing services can elevate your property and delight everyone who steps into the water.

resurfacing a pool

What Is Pool Resurfacing?

Over time, chemicals, pressure, and general wear and tear from use can cause the pool’s surface to develop cracks, stains, and rough textures. As those conditions worsen, it can cause numerous issues for your pool, including water loss, high maintenance costs, and increased water bills. Our pool resurfacing solutions address these issues by applying a new material layer to create a durable and cohesive surface while protecting your pool and swimmers. If your pool is showing signs of wear, it may be time to consider a professional resurfacing.

What Is the Process of Pool Resurfacing?

The pool resurfacing process should be completed by a skilled and experienced professional. At Churchills Pools, our team has successfully resurfaced commercial and residential pools throughout the area. Our experience ensures we’re prepared to tackle any challenge. Learn more about our comprehensive pool resurfacing process:

Drain the Pool

The first step is to drain the pool so we can easily access the area that requires resurfacing.

Prepare the Surface

Once drained, we prepare the surface by removing dirt and debris.

Apply the New Material

We use a resurfacing material to perfectly match your pool's existing surface for a cohesive and finished appearance.


After applying the material, time will be required to set it to ensure the area's durability.


Once complete, we will fill the pool back up with water.

Choose Your Local Pool Professional for Resurfacing

Preserving your pool’s structural integrity and aesthetic appeal is crucial for memorable swim experiences. Churchills Pools proudly offers comprehensive resurfacing for residential and commercial pools across the Greater Orlando Area. Our certified technicians provide a personalized approach to every project, taking the time to answer your questions and tailor services to your needs. Whether you require small touch-ups or a full-scale makeover, you can trust our team for premium solutions that combine style and longevity. Speak with a pool technician today and discover how Churchills Pools can elevate your swimming experience.