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Elevate Your Pool to First-Class Status

A stunning pool elevates your property’s value and appeal. Our remodeling and resurfacing services offer premium materials, cutting-edge technology, and impeccable workmanship. We’ll collaborate with you to create a visually striking, modern oasis. If you appreciate the difference between average and extraordinary, we’re your perfect partner in bringing your dream pool to life.

swimming pool being repaired

What Is a Pool Remodel?

A pool remodel is far more than a simple set of upgrades—it’s a comprehensive transformation that redefines your commercial property’s aquatic centerpiece. We meticulously address everything from cosmetic details to substantial repairs and structural redesigns, ensuring your pool aligns perfectly with your vision. Whether you need a larger footprint to accommodate more guests or a contemporary style that aligns with modern tastes, our approach delivers the premium look and functionality you expect. From HOAs and apartment complexes to resorts, we partner with industry leaders to reimagine pools that offer lasting value and an unforgettable experience for every guest.

Understanding the Signs That It’s Time for a Remodel

A pool remodel for your property is an investment in your business and your guests. So, knowing the right time to reinvest in your pool is crucial for your business’s success and your guest experience. Learn more about some of the signs that it may be time to consider a pool transformation:

Aging Materials

A worn-out finish, stains, and cracks can dimmish the appearance of your pool and make it more prone to damage.

Frequent Repairs

Constant repairs such as patching leaks, replacing tiles, or fixing plumbing may indicate it is time for a remodel.

Outdated Appearance

An old or bland-looking pool may be less inviting for guests. Turn your pool into a focal point of their stay with a remodel.

Safety Concerns

From ADA compliance to slip-proof surfaces, outdated features can present liabilities for HOAs, resorts, or luxury apartments.

Inefficient System

Upgrading from a costly and inefficient system to a new one can save you money and exceed modern standards.

Transformative Pool Remodeling in the Greater Orlando Area

A stunning, safe, and efficient commercial pool reflects the high standards of your business or community. At Churchills Pools, we can help you turn your bland, uninspired pool into a selling point for your tenant or guest. Our team will work alongside you to identify crucial features and elements of your new pool design and bring your vision to life. Speak to a member of our team today to schedule your consultation.